With increasing public awareness and conservation measures in the United States, residential indoor water use per person per day decreased from 69 gallons in 1999 to 59 gallons in 2016. (Residential End Uses of Water, Version 2: Executive Report, Water Research Foundation, ISBN 978-1-60573-236-7, April 2016)

In gallons per household per day (gphd), toilet flushing is the largest indoor use of water in single-family homes, followed by faucets, showers, clothes washers, leaks, bathtubs, other/miscellaneous, and dishwashers:

Outdoor water use is primarily landscape irrigation, which varies considerably by acreage, density of plantings, means of water delivery, types of plants, and time of year.

Alexander Valley Acres Mutual Water Company production by year:

2005        17,697,448
2006        14,037,606
2007        14,856,704
2008        16,058,776
2009        15,005,106
2010        15,855,319
2011          9,268,700
2012        11,924,050
2013        14,312,000
2014        13,054,097
2015          8,618,098
2016          7,327,360
2017        10,957,000
2018          9,436,450
2019          8,538,430
2020        10,216,320
2021          6,797,400
2022          4,176,200
2023 4,736,600